San Diego County Re/Development (2.79 Acres)
Address: 6251 - 6285 Imperial Ave. San Diego, CA 92114
Asking Price: Best Offer
Prime 2.79 Acre Southern California (Coastal San Diego) Redevelopment Opportunity
Zoning (CN 1-4)
• CN-1-4 allows development with a pedestrian orientation and permits a maxium density of 1 Dwelling unit for each 1,000 SF of Lot Area
• Community Plan Land Use Density - 44 DU/Acre
• FAR Tier 3 - 6.5 FAR
Encanto Community Plan - Neighborhood Mixed Use
• Neighborhood Mixed Use provides housing in a mixed-use setting with convenience shoppping, civic uses and services (such as healthy food stores, banks, laundry facilities and “mom and pop” stores) within an approximate three mile radius or less. Residential densities can range between 15 to 29 du/ac townhomes to 30 to 44 du/ac walk-up apartments. These uses are intended to be at the heart of the community where other complementary land uses are syngergistically located in close proximity to one another.